Association management


Managing a federation is no easy feat. The financial aspect, contact with members, the organisation and marketing of events and conferences all involve a lot of areas of expertise. Often there is not enough time to carry all of these out in a professional manner. With over 15 years’ experience we can lift your federation to a higher level. We always support you according to your needs and budget.  



  • Strategic advice

Association management begins with a clever strategic vision. However, in many federations this is lacking or could be improved upon. Who do we want to reach, what are the problem areas and what are the possible solutions? Thanks to our expertise we develop a concrete objective and planning in consultation. We build up a long-term relationship with our clients and always aim for maximum results. 

  • Permanent secretariat

The secretariat of a federation is very important, but also time-consuming if you want to do it right. Contact with members comes first. If they feel appreciated, then this will strengthen your federation. In addition, the numbers have to add up. We can take on the full financial management, so you have time to focus on other matters.  

  • Communication & organisation 

You will never meet your objectives without strong promotion. PR and marketing play a major role here, for internal communication and in support of events and conferences. You can outsource the organisation of these events to us without any worries! 

Discover here our cases

Association management - BCCMA

Corporate event - Velux

Trade Fair - Agribex

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