
Xpo Group was looking for an Exhibition Manager who could be immediately deployed to manage the organisation of edition 2 of Motominds. We were immediately able to provide a member of our organisation team. Our role was to support and coordinate the event and its suppliers

The Emergency Department at UZ Brussels wanted to present its Ambulance of the Future to the press and internal and external stakeholders at an exclusive launch event. They called upon Advanced Fair to organise and manage this event, which included a press conference, a staff visit and an official VIP inauguration..  

The association was looking for a partner to support it in its day-to-day management and in monitoring its members. Working with an external partner was a response to the need to save time, centralise efforts and increase the effectiveness of the association's activities.

Velux is organising its corporate event in Brussels to be close to the European Commission. Advanced Fair is responsible for the logistics of the event and for making it a success. In this challenge, Advanced Fair must not only make the event a success, but also present a good image of Belgium to foreign guests.

ECF was looking for a Belgian partner to organise its annual international conference in Belgium, bringing together all the organisation's European members. As the event was completely free of charge for the 130 participants, a budgetary solution had to be found to ensure its organisation.

Fedagrim, the organisers of the Agribex exhibition, had insufficient time to handle all the logistics for the fair. Looking for a partner they could rely on, they decided to entrust the logistics organisation of the exhibition to Advanced Fair.